Saturday, June 18, 2011

Team Arrives!

Friday afternoon at 4:00 the team from Trinity Presbyterian Church in Pennsylvania arrived! We were excited to meet them, and of course, the children from the orphanage were thrilled. This church team has been coming for 5 years, so the children have gotten to know and love them. The team is made up of mostly high school kids and their youth pastor and another lady from their church. They are great with the kids and jump right in to serve. The construction they will be doing will be painting some rooms and tearing down a building (which they are thrilled about- Demolition is always fun). In the afternoons, they do planned activities for the children. This afternoon they did a puppet show and skit all in Spanish. I couldn't understand any of it except Dios which means God so I know it was evangelistic! Then they had several activities like decorating pillowcases (the children at the orphanage Love art/craft projects), games, and face painting. Tomorrow we will all go to church and then the beach for the day. Josh will get back about 5 pm- YEA!! When a team comes it brings fresh energy and different faces, so we enjoy having them, and I know the children do. What a testimony to see these high school kids coming to love and serve at Casa Hogar. I'm thankful my kids can see this, and it encourages me as well. I will end with a typical Meg story: This morning Meg woke me up and said "Mom, I have a gift for you". She was holding a small white bag or napkin- it was a blur because I didn't have my glasses on. I said, "It better not be a bug" (while I was opening it); of course it was one of those flesh-colored baby geckos with the bulgy eyes, and Meg had torn its tail off already (I found it later on the dining table-ugh!) Why she loves catching these things and pulling off the body parts is beyond me!

Love you all, Sara Parks

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