Our plane leaves at 7 am Tuesday, May 24th (Happy Birthday, Mom!) from Baton Rouge. Acapulco here we come! We have been anticipating this trip since December. It is hard to believe the time is here. We are excited and a little nervous... but mostly excited! Please pray that our travel and transition would go smoothly. We will have a day to get settled in, and then the interns will arrive: 3 girls, 2 guys! We can't wait to meet and get to know them. Please also pray that our group will "click" as we work together for the summer.
Fitz, Claire, and Kate will be living at our house in Baton Rouge while we are gone. They will also have Hannah the dog. We are so thankful they will hold down the fort; this gives us peace of mind. If you are in Baton Rouge, stop by and see them and pet Hannah for us!
Josh and I plan to update this blog often so you can read about our journey and hopefully see some great pictures. Thank you for caring for our family and praying for us.
Sara Parks
Praying for Y'all!
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