Thursday, May 26, 2011

Interns Come Tomorrow!

We are thankful for another day of getting settled and used to life in Acapulco. This morning our family was able to go to the beach for a couple hours. It was nice, but we were bombarded with vendors selling their wares. There is a huge hill near the orphanage. It's fine going down, but coming back from the beach we were huffing and puffing. It should be a good work out for us. Today I helped Melissa get ready for the arrival of the interns tomorrow. These are the students that we have been sent here to pastor. Pray for their safe travel and transition. The family is slowly getting used to life in Acapulco. Meg is still having some headaches. Tonight before bed she told us her throat hurt - so please pray for that. There is a short term team coming from East Tennessee on Saturday, so our schedule is about to get cranked up. We are studying Acts as a family and with the students this summer. It's been good so far, pray that it would continue to be a blessing. Sorry about not uploading pictures. The internet connection is slow and can't seem to handle it.

In Christ,

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